Ed Zitron is right on the money again in Never Forgive Them, a look at the way tech companies actively make your life worse with the growth-at-all-costs mindset that has the tech industry in a death grip.

Why wouldn’t people feel insane? Why wouldn’t the internet, where we’re mostly forced to live, drive most people crazy? How are we not discussing the fact that so much of the internet is riddled with poison? How are we not treating the current state of the tech industry like an industrial chemical accident? Is it because there are too many people at fault? Is it because fixing it would require us to truly interrogate the fabric of a capitalist death cult?

Still trying to find the best way to publish these notes as a static site. Tried a method using Hugo, but it was a finicky process; I could never quite get the front page looking the way I wanted, but it was getting there. It is, however, one of the only methods that specifically looks for media files and copies them into the right place for publication, so I may return to it.

Other methods — Quartz, especially, which seems to be the most common — assumes you don’t have a vault yet and you are content starting a whole new Obsidian vault for publishing notes out of. My current use case — where I just want to take a pre-existing folder of Markdown files with a little bit of YAML front matter and turn them into a blog — seems to be fairly rare.

One option that seems promising is Enveloppe - the publishing part seems promising, and it’s at least pushing files to Github, but it doesn’t seem to want to fix media paths, and now Github Pages doesn’t want to actually display any content. All things I need to work on for the time being, I guess.