New year, new really nerdy way to apply Obsidian. Ever since I bought I Was a Teenage Exocolonist in November I’ve been really obsessed with exploring every little corner of this beautiful little narrative deckbuilding RPG. I recently decided I wanted to get 100% completion of the game, but doing that requires two things that take some extensive tracking: getting every ending at least once (there are 29), and getting every card at least once (there are… tons). Obviously I can just make checklists in Obsidian, but then I figured out I could use Dataview to query over those files as well, and show myself a nice table of my progress.

A screenshot of an Obsidian dataview table showing achievement (42/50), card (215/273), and ending (11/29) progress in I Was a Teenage Exocolonist

Also, I re-upped my Crunchyroll sub but man am I horribly out of date on what’s good in anime. Someone please tell me some good anime to watch (either on Bluesky or Mastodon).